
Founder: Luca Guidi
Jakob Günther
Stefan Pietschmann
Daniel Kummer
Patrick Bunk
Thomas Lindner
Bernd Molzahn
Founded in: 2011
Department / Institute:
Computer Science

Ubermetrics Technologies develops media monitoring solutions that enable PR staff to continuously monitor relevant topics on the social web, TV, radio and print, to show the reach and distribution of their messages and to identify viral developments and influencers in a timely manner.

The monitoring solutions find useful applications in marketing, supply chain, public relations, customer support and market research. To this end, UMT analyses texts from over 400 million sources in 68 languages in real time. The most modern methods such as text mining and natural language processing are used.

Ubermetrics Technologies GmbH, founded in spring 2011, is a spin-off of the Humboldt University of Berlin, which is financed by High-Tech Gründerfonds. The company, which is headquartered in Berlin, currently employs 35 people. 

Name Department / Institute Gründungsjahr Mentor
Synogate Computer Science 2021 Prof. Scheuermann
Aaron GmbH Computer Science 2015 Prof. Pinkwart
Algofaktur GmbH Computer Science 2019 Prof. Meffert
alvari GmbH Computer Science 2013 Prof. Freytag
AvailabilityPlus Computer Science 2009
Belegmeister GmbH Computer Science 2013 Prof. Freytag
BetterTaxi (BetterTec GmbH) Computer Science 2012 Prof. Freytag
BitsForDigits (Web Two UG) Computer Science 2022 Prof. Lessmann
by the ways GmbH Computer Science 2022
Cluster (Hannah Greven, Benjamin Rech, Matthias Meyer GbR) Computer Science 2022 Prof. Dr. Akbik
Codio Impact GmbH Computer Science 2022
Conatix Europe UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Computer Science 2013
Datalyze Solutions UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Computer Science 2012 Prof. Lekas
Diversity Factory GmbH (i.G.) Computer Science 2024 Prof. Zender
doings Software GmbH Computer Science 2023 Prof. Weidlich
dotch GmbH Computer Science 2022 Prof. Dr. Akbik
EDDA GbR Computer Science 2019 Prof. Pinkwart
EKOR Tech GmbH Computer Science 2017 Prof. Scheuermann
FENISKA GmbH Computer Science 2021
Fit Analytics GmbH Computer Science 2010 Prof. Meffert
Fritzi PFA UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Computer Science 2019 Prof. Kehrer
Healthbytes GmbH Computer Science 2022 Prof. Weidlich
HomeMeal Computer Science 2021 Prof. Dr. Akbik
Homo Ludens GmbH Computer Science 2019
Kuwala Computer Science 2022
Langfuse (Finto Technologies GmbH) Computer Science 2023 Prof. Lessmann
Life Action Games GmbH Computer Science 2010 Prof. Malek
LoopLook Computer Science 2023 Prof. Weidlich
Ludufactur GmbH Computer Science 2012 Prof. Eisert
Mind Intelligence UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Computer Science 2017 Prof. Pinkwart
netCCM GmbH Computer Science 2006 Prof. Fischer
Noah Labs UG Computer Science 2021
Noreja Intelligence GmbH Computer Science 2021
Playotope GmbH Computer Science 2009 Prof. Freytag
poqit.berlin UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Computer Science 2015 Prof. Scheuermann
Scaneca UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Computer Science 2018 Prof. Reulke
Seedtrace Computer Science 2020 Prof. Scheuermann
Sentientic GmbH Computer Science 2016 Prof. Lessmann
shoutr labs UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Computer Science 2013 Prof. Scheuermann
Spreadgood gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Computer Science 2018 Prof. Weidlich
studiVZ Computer Science 2005
T-T-T 3000 Computer Science 2016 Prof. Eisert
Talonic UG Computer Science 2023 Prof. Lessmann
tazaldoo UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Computer Science 2012
tulanā (Vishwakarma GmbH) Computer Science 2023 Prof. Lessmann
Userlutions GmbH Computer Science 2011 Prof. Burkhard
Vescape GmbH Computer Science 2011 Prof. Hafner
VINS 3D GmbH Computer Science 2018
Webpgr UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Computer Science 2014