Seedtrace enables the processing of one's own value chain - from origin to the supermarket shelf. The platform enables the mapping of individual steps as well as the cooperation of several actors along the value-added chain, who can feed in corresponding evidence, data and media. In addition, selected data points are confirmed by so-called proof points. Seedtrace thinks in terms of transparency both internally and externally and also enables the creation of product pages. These are communicated e.g. via QR code on the end product in the supermarket or embedded in online stores. With just a few clicks, the platform builds a bridge between product origin and the end consumer, which gives sustainable SMEs in particular a significant competitive advantage.
Katharina Elisa Davids
Ana Selina Haberbosch
Florian Fischer
Jonathan Mandt
Ana Selina Haberbosch
Florian Fischer
Jonathan Mandt
Founded in:
Department / Institute:
Computer Science
Prof. Scheuermann
Name | Department / Institute | Gründungsjahr | Mentor |
Synogate | Computer Science | 2021 | Prof. Scheuermann |
Aaron GmbH | Computer Science | 2015 | Prof. Pinkwart |
Algofaktur GmbH | Computer Science | 2019 | Prof. Meffert |
alvari GmbH | Computer Science | 2013 | Prof. Freytag |
AvailabilityPlus | Computer Science | 2009 | |
Belegmeister GmbH | Computer Science | 2013 | Prof. Freytag |
BetterTaxi (BetterTec GmbH) | Computer Science | 2012 | Prof. Freytag |
BitsForDigits (Web Two UG) | Computer Science | 2022 | Prof. Lessmann |
by the ways GmbH | Computer Science | 2022 | |
Cluster (Hannah Greven, Benjamin Rech, Matthias Meyer GbR) | Computer Science | 2022 | Prof. Dr. Akbik |
Codio Impact GmbH | Computer Science | 2022 | |
Conatix Europe UG (haftungsbeschränkt) | Computer Science | 2013 | |
Datalyze Solutions UG (haftungsbeschränkt) | Computer Science | 2012 | Prof. Lekas |
Diversity Factory GmbH (i.G.) | Computer Science | 2024 | Prof. Zender |
dotch GmbH | Computer Science | 2022 | Prof. Dr. Akbik |
EDDA GbR | Computer Science | 2019 | Prof. Pinkwart |
EKOR Tech GmbH | Computer Science | 2017 | Prof. Scheuermann |
FENISKA GmbH | Computer Science | 2021 | |
Fit Analytics GmbH | Computer Science | 2010 | Prof. Meffert |
Fritzi PFA UG (haftungsbeschränkt) | Computer Science | 2019 | Prof. Kehrer |
Healthbytes GmbH | Computer Science | 2022 | Prof. Weidlich |
HomeMeal | Computer Science | 2021 | Prof. Dr. Akbik |
Homo Ludens GmbH | Computer Science | 2019 | |
Kuwala | Computer Science | 2022 | |
Langfuse (Finto Technologies GmbH) | Computer Science | 2023 | Prof. Lessmann |
Life Action Games GmbH | Computer Science | 2010 | Prof. Malek |
LoopLook | Computer Science | 2023 | Prof. Weidlich |
Ludufactur GmbH | Computer Science | 2012 | Prof. Eisert |
Mind Intelligence UG (haftungsbeschränkt) | Computer Science | 2017 | Prof. Pinkwart |
netCCM GmbH | Computer Science | 2006 | Prof. Fischer |
Noah Labs UG | Computer Science | 2021 | |
Noreja Intelligence GmbH | Computer Science | 2021 | |
Playotope GmbH | Computer Science | 2009 | Prof. Freytag | UG (haftungsbeschränkt) | Computer Science | 2015 | Prof. Scheuermann |
Scaneca UG (haftungsbeschränkt) | Computer Science | 2018 | Prof. Reulke |
Sentientic GmbH | Computer Science | 2016 | Prof. Lessmann |
shoutr labs UG (haftungsbeschränkt) | Computer Science | 2013 | Prof. Scheuermann |
Spreadgood gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt) | Computer Science | 2018 | Prof. Weidlich |
studiVZ | Computer Science | 2005 | |
T-T-T 3000 | Computer Science | 2016 | Prof. Eisert |
Talonic UG | Computer Science | 2023 | Prof. Lessmann |
tazaldoo UG (haftungsbeschränkt) | Computer Science | 2012 | |
tulanā (Vishwakarma GmbH) | Computer Science | 2023 | Prof. Lessmann |
Ubermetrics Technologies GmbH | Computer Science | 2011 | |
Userlutions GmbH | Computer Science | 2011 | Prof. Burkhard |
Vescape GmbH | Computer Science | 2011 | Prof. Hafner |
VINS 3D GmbH | Computer Science | 2018 | |
Webpgr UG (haftungsbeschränkt) | Computer Science | 2014 |