Belegmeister develops a web-based software (S.a.a.S.) for the automatic accounting of travel expenses. With this new online application, business travelers can take photos of their receipts via smartphone while on the road and send them to their Belegmeister profile.
Belegmeister reads all items such as date, gross and net amounts, and value-added tax from the receipts and automatically combines them into a complete travel expense report.
More than 8 million German business travellers are regularly confronted with the same problem: many salespeople, consultants and tradesmen are constantly on the road and often have to settle several business trips per month. In addition, there are assistants, tax consultants and lawyers who have to deal with the same receipts again and again.
Belegmeister halves the effort for travel expense accounts, thus saving your nerves and gaining time, which you can invest again sensibly.