Webedia GmbH - Moviepilot

Founder: Tobias Bauckhage
Jon Handschin
Benjamin Krause
Founded in: 2006
Department / Institute:

The mechanism behind moviepilot is called "collaborative filtering" - the film ratings are compared with the ratings and tastes of all other film fans, film critics and filmmakers. Then an algorithm is used to select the films that the user will like or dislike most. In this way, the film knowledge of all users is linked together and made accessible to each other.

Name Department / Institute Gründungsjahr Mentor
Creatext Economics 2020 Prof. Lessmann
Decision Institute GmbH Economics 2008 Prof. Wickström
ecodoc GmbH Economics 2010 Prof. Günther
INHUBBER UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Economics 2019 Prof. Lessmann
inVenture Economics 2021
Offerista Group GmbH Economics 2008 Prof. Günther
SkillMap GmbH Economics 2008
sofatutor GmbH Economics 2008 Prof. Paulssen
Tempelhove Research UG Economics 2008
TripLegend Economics 2020 Prof. Lessmann
tvype GmbH Economics 2010 Prof. Günther
WorkHub GmbH Economics 2011 Prof. Mendling