Founder: Leonid Mechik
Andre Sokolov
Dan Kaplan
Dr. Elena Mechik
Founded in: 2019
Department / Institute:
Prof. Lessmann

INHUBBER is a B2B SaaS Contract Lifecycle Management platform that enables complete control over all contracts. INHUBBER contracts are created according to the business process oriented approach. Embedding the formal description of the business processes directly in the contract text makes certain clauses executable by the customer. The platform observes the actual process status and implements the contract terms. The INHUBBER platform ensures better compliance and control of internal and external business processes.

This is achieved by entrusting business process owners with the modeling and management of contracts from the perspective of the business processes. Other process participants from the respective contract party can be involved in the creation, negotiation and control.

With the help of the block chain we provide a digital signature, apply the principles of "Single Source of Truth" and identity assurance. All communication and document exchange on the INHUBBER platform is P2P encrypted using block chain technology. The white-box AI ensures consistency and facilitates compliance and executability of contracts.  

INHUBBER was founded in 2019 from the research project of HU Innovations at Humboldt University Berlin. The expertise lies in the technology combination between the blockchain and AI technologies.

INHUBBER is currently testing the prototype with appointment management, blockchain-based digital signature and P2P encryption. The special feature of the platform is the ability to sign any digital file. This feature makes INHUBBER the "digital notary" of any digital asset: text, film, image, cad, etc.


Name Department / Institute Gründungsjahr Mentor
WorkHub GmbH Economics 2011 Prof. Mendling
Webedia GmbH Economics 2006
tvype GmbH Economics 2010 Prof. Günther
TripLegend Economics 2020 Prof. Lessmann
Tempelhove Research UG Economics 2008
sofatutor GmbH Economics 2008 Prof. Paulssen
SkillMap GmbH Economics 2008
Offerista Group GmbH Economics 2008 Prof. Günther
inVenture Economics 2021
ecodoc GmbH Economics 2010 Prof. Günther
Decision Institute GmbH Economics 2008 Prof. Wickström
Creatext Economics 2020 Prof. Lessmann