ZIMMER Fahrradtaschen und Portemonnaies

Founder: Ulrike Heringer
Till Runge
Kevin Schön
Founded in: 2016
Department / Institute:
Cultural Studies

ZIMMER stands for stylish bike bags and wallets. Our bike bags are companions for the whole day, whether on the bike, at the university or in the park. Their design is discreet and suitable for everyday use.

People constantly cover their everyday distances by bicycle. They transport their belongings either in backpacks or bags, bike baskets or in the well-known outdoor bike bags. We wondered why there are no bicycle bags that are first and foremost stylish bags that can also be attached to a bicycle. As an answer to this question the brand ZIMMER was created in 2016. 

Name Department / Institute Gründungsjahr Mentor
Babbel Cultural Studies 2007
VLab Berlin Cultural Studies 2017 Prof. Vincent Houben