On the consumer platform kaputt.de a constantly growing community provides knowledge and services in the field of electronics, repair and disposal. Through our innovative comparative approach we create transparency and set new accents in the cyclical economy for end consumers and producers. In this way we show that sustainability is simple, intuitive and financially rewarding. We build on active knowledge management, crowdsourcing elements and the integration of different service concepts. In this way, we motivate both laymen and professionals to bring about social change.
kaputt.de UG
Moritz Zyrewitz
Joseph Hufnagl
Tobias Kronawitter
Joseph Hufnagl
Tobias Kronawitter
Founded in:
Department / Institute:
Library & Information Sciences
Prof. Petras
Name | Department / Institute | Gründungsjahr | Mentor |
Visualink UG | Library & Information Sciences | 2021 | Prof. Dr. Greifeneder |
Yomiko GbR | Library & Information Sciences | 2010 | Prof. Seadle |