
Founder: Dr. Mady Olonscheck
Adrian Pfalzgraf
Leon Landen
Carsten Walther
Founded in: 2017
Department / Institute:
Prof. Endlicher

Storms, floods, extreme temperatures. The climate is changing, with noticeable consequences for man and the environment. Even in the event of a drastic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, climate change will continue to progress for the time being and some effects will no longer be avoidable.

The consequences of climate change are already becoming apparent today, for example in the form of extreme weather events and melting glaciers. In order to prevent the damage caused by these impacts, adaptation measures must be taken early on. This is the central task of climate adaptation. It is important to prepare cities and municipalities for the changes and to adapt in such a way that the negative consequences of climate change are minimised. The GreenAdapt team develops tailor-made concepts for municipalities to adapt to climate change.

With the help of the EXIST funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, the start-up has developed the "Climate Adaptation Manager", a software that helps municipalities and districts to adapt to climate change and to avoid and/or exploit climate-related risks and opportunities.