
Founder: Omar Khalaf
Nils Brüggemann
Founded in: 2023
Department / Institute:
Prof. Grimm

As land degradation is a serious problem that threatens our livelihood in the form of vital resources, Alganize's goal is to turn deserts into forests. In this way, they want to ensure the availability of raw materials. For this endeavor, they rely on the power of microalgae.

The idea came about when Nils was working at Solaga, a spin-off of the HU that also specializes in algae. During a closer examination of a microalgae strain, he came across the application in the agritech sector.

Name Department / Institute Gründungsjahr Mentor
Acuros Biology 2006 Prof. Ehwald
CellDEG GmbH Biology 2016 Prof. Steuer
Cyano Biofuels GmbH Biology 2007 Prof. Kramer
Cyano Biotech Biology 2004 Prof. Börner
Solaga UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Biology 2015 Prof. Arenz
Tech InnoSphere GmbH Biology 2018