elena international GmbH

Founder: Christina Horn
Sabine Auer
Founded in: 2019
Department / Institute:
Prof. Kurths

The vision of elena international is to enable the change to renewable energy systems all over the world.

One of the main challenges of electricity systems based on renewable energies is grid stability. And this is exactly where we come in: With our models and analyses, we're enabling the grid-stable and economic expansion of renewables for the first time. In doing so, we include various phases of the planning of electricity grids: From investment planning to the development of operating strategies and the improvement of grid stability. Through cooperation with the open source community and research at the Humboldt University of Berlin and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, we always develop the most reliable methods and solutions that are precisely tailored to the needs of our customers.

Name Department / Institute Gründungsjahr Mentor
Prior Art Publishing GmbH Physics 2009
greateyes Physics 2008 Prof. Röder
Quantiox GmbH Physics 2008 Prof. Masselink
Newsenselab GmbH Physics 2016 Prof. Wessel